Word Invaders Game

Translate words under pressure!

Both Japanese-to-English and English-Japanese, in Japanese script or Romaji.

It will also improve your typing!

Game scores are not included in lesson scores.

How to play the game

Shoot the aliens (words) by translating them as fast as you can.

Translate English words into Romaji.

Translate Japanese words (script or Romaji) into English.

While you are part-way through translating a word, any aliens that match what you have typed are ‘targeted’, and turn blue:

Press the ‘Enter’ key when aliens turn red:

Aliens turn red when your translation is 80% correct, although the percentage is not shown.

Click on the aliens for hints:

To ‘pin’ the hint so it doesn’t disappear when you move your mouse away, click the alien a second time.

If the setting for “Invaders in Japanese script” is On, you can see the Romaji by moving the mouse over words in Japanese script. This will not affect your score:


The “Settings” link is on the My Lessons page and the Lesson page.

Invaders in Japanese script
Purpose: Show the Japanese words in either script or Romaji.

Default: On
Takes effect immediately: Yes

When selected, the words are shown in script, i.e. hiragana, katakana and kanji. 




Real Japanese.
It’s casual Japanese,
but not slang.

Find out more here about Mark Smith's book >>
The Top 500 Japanese Words.
Ranked by how often they appear on the internet.

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